Bear Kosik
Aug 7, 2024


I always have been fascinated by how the universe evolves as a result of the cumulative decisions of all beings, planet and star activities, and whatever we can't observe but exists. I have always doubted the "there are no coincidences" adage but I agree with an acquaintance who frequently says, "Everything is the way it's supposed to be because if it wasn't it would be something different." Our agency in creating what is supposed to be is, from our perspective, a huge influence. We change the future by choosing what we do every moment. I have explored this in fiction and when writing about my life. Thanks for reminding me how powerful our choices are and how we are programmed to make certain choices if we aren't mindful. .



Bear Kosik

Proudly queer, over-educated, well-traveled, disabled polymath. Write neo-retro-postmodern fiction, plays, poems, nonfiction, lyrics. Google name for more info.